Lead Scoring Model

Lead Scoring Model

1. Ask:

Build a Lead Scoring Model to maximize outbound Sales Operations

By Focusing on top X% prospects list maximize Y% conversion rate

Build a AI model to Rank order the prospect list daily by the probability of conversion

2. Business Question:

Can we leverage the internal web signal data to build the model and optimize the leads

Measure the buy intent from our own web traffic to prioritize leads for outbound sales efforts
Measure the buy intent from our own web traffic to prioritize leads for outbound sales efforts

3. Framework:

VIA(Value, Information, Analytics) - Enable Data Driven Decisions

Business Strategy is driven by Models trained on high quality data
Applying VIA ( Value, Information, Analytics) framework

4. Process:

Leverage Model Foundry to build model and use FlowX to deploy

Model Foundry marketing recipe was leveraged to develop the model, in two weeks
Leveraged the web traffic data and built models using Model Foundry Marketing Recipe, to rank order prospect list

5. Results: Success!!

We are able to convert 89% of the leads, by focusing on top 50% of prospect list

The Lead Scoring model has effectively doubled the operational capacity
The Lead Scoring model has effectively doubled the operational capacity

Elevate Your Marketing Strategy Now! Harness our cutting-edge tools to supercharge your AI/ML journey and scale your marketing models with ease

Transform Decision-Making with Model Foundry and FlowX! Book your demo now to witness the future of AI-driven insights at scale

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